1. Subjectivity suspended in a “life on the move”

図1-1 UNWTO世界観光統計
[1] UNWTO世界観光統計「International Tourism Results 2018 and Outlook 2019」によると、2010年に発表された長期予測では、海外旅行者総数は14億人到達が2020年になると見込まれていたが、2年前倒しで達成した。2030年には18億人に達する見込みであった。
[2] 本稿を執筆している2021年1月現在、コロナウイルスによるパンデミックで世界が動揺している。UNWTOは予測を下方修正し、海外旅行者数は、3〜6億人程度まで減少することが予測されている。
[3] 村上春樹(1995)『国境の南、太陽の西』講談社, pp.291-292
Ever since I was a child, I have lived in an apartment building on a national highway in the suburbs, because my father had to move around a lot. Perhaps because of this, I have always felt like an outsider or a rootless person wherever I went. Since I grew up, I have not consciously wanted to move, but I have not had any particular reason to stay in a particular place, so I have been moving from place to place all my life.
This way of life, in which “life itself is to keep moving” rather than to live rooted in a certain place, shakes the identity of human beings. But I think that this is actually a way of life that is inherent in many people living in today’s society. I would like to add that I am not an outdoorsy person, preferring to stay at home and read novels and philosophical books, but in spite of this, I have been moving from one country to another in Europe, South-East Asia and Africa for 17 years as a filmmaker and artist-in-residence. I’ve been to 17 countries in Europe, South East Asia and Africa. I don’t know whether this is a large number or a small one, but in this day and age, when urbanisation is making it easier for people to move around the world and the number of tourists is increasing at an unexpectedly rapid rate, as shown in the UNWTO’s World Tourism Statistics (Figure 1-1)[1], my “life on the move” symbolises one aspect of contemporary society. There is no doubt that my “life on the move” symbolises a part of modern society[2].

Figure 1-1 UNWTO World Tourism Statistics
I must have been about 18 years old when I got my first camera, a second-hand Fujica Z800 8mm film camera. It was a second-hand Fujica Z800 8mm film camera, capable of shooting three minutes on a single cassette, but without the correct colour temperature and exposure, it was impossible to shoot a normal landscape. More than 20 years have passed since then, and the camera has changed from some kind of Hi8 standard to the Sony VX2000, and after that I have been playing with digital cameras and iPhones, and recently I have been using the Panasonic GH series to record various images.
I’ve always been interested in film and experimental filmmaking, and of course I wanted to make my own images, but I think I was more interested in being involved in events with a camera. In this sense, today’s small, portable and highly functional cameras are much easier to use than in the past, in order to intervene in various events. In addition, the abundance of images in our daily life makes it less peculiar to intervene with a camera, and it is easier to establish a relationship with the subject while holding the camera.
In retrospect, my sense of rootlessness also made me lose the sense of being a part of the event, and I was imbued with a somewhat oblique quality that prevented me from being actively involved in the event, lacking initiative. But when I took a camera and got involved in an event, I felt the necessity of being there, even if I wasn’t a part of it, and that made me feel comfortable. The distance between me and the subject, the sense that I could be there and not feel uncomfortable, seemed to create a unique relationship between the people involved in the event and me. And it was a feeling that could only be felt through the camera.
Haruki Murakami (1949-) wrote a text in “South of the Border, West of the Sun” that symbolizes this sense of suspended perspective in the “in-between”, which is neither home nor abroad. This is a novel that was written more than 25 years ago.
I feel like in my life I’ve always been trying to somehow become a different person. I think I was always trying to go somewhere new, get a new life and develop a new personality there. I’ve done that many times before. In a way it was growth, in a way it was like a persona exchange. But anyway, I wanted to be free of something that I had been holding on to by becoming a different person. I really, seriously wanted that, and I believed that it would be possible one day if I just tried. But in the end, I didn’t get anywhere, I guess. I was just me, no matter how far I went. The lack I had was always the same lack, no matter how far I went. No matter how much the landscape around me changed, no matter how much the sound of people’s voices changed, I was still just one incomplete person. I had the same fatal lack inside me, and that lack brought me an intense hunger and thirst. I have always been tormented by that hunger and thirst, and I will probably continue to be tormented by it as well. In a way, that lack itself is me[3].
Here we find the description “the lack itself is me”. This could mean that as we move from place to place, repeatedly creating new personalities with new places and new lives, we develop a sense of missing subjectivity. The fact that this feeling is described in Haruki Murakami’s work, which touches the hearts of people all over the world, suggests that people all over the world are also experiencing a life somewhat similar to the one I was born and grew up with. And if the reality for many people is a subjectivity that loses its roots and is suspended in a “life of constant movement”, then it is significant to begin this article with a reference to the making of artworks that take the issue of subjectivity as their starting point.
[1] According to the UNWTO World Tourism Statistics “International Tourism Results 2018 and Outlook 2019”, according to the long-term forecast published in 2010, the total number of international travellers was expected to reach 1.4 billion in 2020, two years ahead of schedule. By 2030, the number was expected to reach 1.8 billion.
[2] As of this writing, in January 2021, the world is reeling from a coronavirus pandemic, and the UNWTO has revised its forecasts downwards, with the number of international travellers expected to fall to between 300 and 600 million.
[3] Haruki Murakami (1995), South of the Border, West of the Sun (Vintage International), Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. Kindle, p.208